
Telling the stories of the deported community in Tijuana

I had the opportunity to travel to Tijuana in the spring of 2018 to tell the stories of undocumented immigrants who were deported back to Mexico. We used 360 degree cameras mixed with standard 2D interviews to piece together the lives of people who had been changed because of deportation. I helped tell the story of Pastor Moe, a man who has given his life to help people who had been deported and help them re-integrate back into Mexican society. I edited the VR footage together in post production and was on the ground reporting during production.

Micro communities grow on Twitch

I aimed to explain how the video game streaming platform Twitch can bring niche gaming communities together in a way that the internet wasn’t able to do before. In this project, I coded the website, produced a video, conducted interviews with multiple sources and wrote the 2,000 word in-depth story.

Spiritual diversity in historically African American enclave, Leimert Park

Leimert Park is a neighborhood in Los Angeles with a rich, diverse history, especially when it comes to how people practice their faith there. I wove it all together through the story of these three characters. One woman had lived their all her life, offering a unique glimpse into the changing reality of the neighborhood because of gentrification. The other had just immigrated here from Botswana, seeking a music career that would allow her to profess her faith in God.

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